Girls Dreams

<p>Billy Corgan is a <a href=" conspiracy theorist</a>​, a fearless renegade fighting back the armies of "Social Justice Warriors" that he compares to the KKK, a man who thinks that Donald Trump's candidacy is "cool," and a good buddy of the walking, grunting, hot-blooded inferiority complex that is Alex Jones. A long time ago, Corgan also made <a href="" target="_blank">one brilliant record</a>​. <i>Maybe</i> <a href="" target="_blank">two</a>​.</p><p>Did you know that he's also the president of a wrestling company? He is! It's called TNA Wrestling and he's suing the crap out of it. <a href="; target="_blank">TMZ</a>​ reports that Corgan is suing the company and filing for a restraining order against its owner, Dixie Carter. Carter's husband, Serg Salias, has also been named as a defendant. </p><p>Here's a quote from Corgan's spokesperson, Lissa Druss Christman: "As president, Billy is looking out for the long-term interest of the company, its employees, its talent, as well as its stakeholders and contractors."</p><p>Corgan was only named as president of the company a few months ago, with Carter calling him a "visionary" and a "savvy businessman." <br></p><p>The file is closed on the case, so we don't get any fun details, nor are we allowed to speculate on such matters.</p><p>Here's a video called "Billy Corgan Warns of Weaponized Zombies," though. So…</p><div data-keep=""><div style="left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.2493%;" class="article__embed article__embed--youtube"><iframe src="" allowfullscreen style="top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;" frameborder="0"></iframe></div></div><p>​<i>​Lead image via Smashing Pumpkins on <a href="; target="_blank">Instagram</a>​.​</i></p><p><i>​Follow Noisey on <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>​.​</i>​</p>

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