Nothing gets you fired up on a Wednesday morning like re-ignited beef, and you can always rely on the two of the most verbally trigger happy people in music - Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks - to dump a whole load of fuel on the content fire. The pair have been feuding for what feels like years, before some of you were born, possibly, before the dawn of time. Before Drake and Meek Mill, Nicki and Taylor, Coldplay and Bring Me The Horizon, Azalea vs Azealia has reigned supreme. Now, there is more. There is always more.
In a recent interview with Elle Canada, Iggy Azalea unleashed all kinds of inadvisable hell: "If I could, I would Men in Black memory-erase 2015," citing her feuds with Azalea Banks and pizza chain Papa John's as two of her biggest regrets. "I think the Azealia Banks thing is what really started it all... We don’t like each other on a personal level, and that has gone on for many years - before the Black Lives Matter incident happened," she explained, "So when I dismissed her, people started to think that I dismissed the whole movement, but I wasn't trying to dismiss Black Lives Matter - I was trying to dismiss her because it's our personal shit."
She concluded, just in case anything was misunderstood, "I still hate Azealia Banks."
Obviously Banks isn't one to let anything slide, so she began to hit back in a series of tweets.
No one is talking about u so u choose to mention me.... Wrong move hoe.
Mentioning me is the only thing that will get you attention. Because ur music and nose job are trash
I'm about to take my pettiness to a whole new level.
And then she dropped a new track, which features the same Tony Igy sample used in Iggy Azalea's "My World".
Titled "Used To Being Alone", it might not be as on the nose as "Back to Back" - it's lyrically focused on a former love interest, and plays more as an emotional dance jam that offers an opportunity for Banks to tread new territory and flex her vocals - but the hijacking alone takes the beef to new territory. Hopefully one where it no longer exists.
Listen below.
from Noisey
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