Girls Dreams

You're stumbling home. The red lights of cars blur into the distance, dirty rainwater soaks through your trainers and splashes onto your socks. Pause, check your breath. Yep, there's the distinct feeling a tray full of cigarette butts have been emptied into and are now marinating somewhere between your trachea and butt-hole. You light another and stumble on forward. It's around 2 in the morning, your savings account has gone past the irresponsible zone and run into empty, so you're walking. Stumbling, rather. The sounds and the sights and the scents of the city merge into one swaying motion, a Jackson Pollock of exhaust fumes, better conversations by better people, distant towers of opportunity and greed. All of which is to say: you are one drunk and alone motherfucker.

So, what do you do? You carry on forward. In these moments though, you feel gloriously unstoppable, powered on by the fuel of your own shortcomings. It's this moment that, in one way or another, sits at the root of "Reciprocate", the third single from Rationale and one born from an unbalanced relationship – the kind where someone is striving to make things work, and the other isn't giving 100 percent. "In the end, they're just feeling a sense of frustration", he says. But "Reciprocate" is also, in the way these sorts of things are, "really danceable." AKA, the exact accompaniment to those powerful walks that follow acts of self sabotage.

It's the third single from his upcoming Vessels EP – and you can listen to it below. Press play and find a way to save it offline for times of need.

from noisey
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