<p>I don't need to remind you all, once again, of the myriad of ways in which 2016 has been the year from hell. For the last ten months I have begun almost every single sentence with the words "oh no" or "he said <i>what</i>?" On more than one occasion <span>I have </span><span>woken up in a cold sweat, profoundly upset that "Brexit litigation" is now such a fundamental part of my existence it </span><span>has </span><span>made its way into my sex dreams</span><span>. I'm hoping that a ritual I have planned for New Year's Eve in which I put everything that reminds me of this year in a box, set it on fire and hurl it into the Thames will finally cleanse my soul of </span><span>these horrors</span><span>, but I was fully ready to stick <i>Gilmore Girls</i> on, cross my fingers and hibernate until December 31.</span></p><p>That is... <i>That is</i>, until I saw the following video circulating on Facebook and found love in a truly hopeless place. <span>Allow me to set the scene: you are scrolling through your feed – post after sickening post of clickbait articles, an update on the beef that's happening between</span><span> someone you know who owns a house in a rural town with nothing in it apart from a Co-Op and the person they're in a parking space war with, </span><span>boys you rejected in school celebrating their recent marriage to someone perfectly lovely-looking – and you sink into a pit of despair so deep not even Morrissey can see you now. Then, a</span><span> strange video shows up. The thumbnail is a man's face, shot from the bottom up, a computer screen reflected solemnly in his glasses. </span><span>You press play and hear a familiar haunting piano line and yes, that is definitely the opening few seconds of "Bring Me To Life" by iconic goth Christian nu metal band </span><span>Evanescence. </span><span>The man clears his throat, with an air of dignity and professionalism most X Factor contestants will never attain, a</span><span>nd then this happens:</span></p><div data-keep=""><div style="left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.2493%;" class="article__embed article__embed--youtube"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QbgGIy3kKiM?wmode=transparent&rel=0&autohide=1&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen style="top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div></div><p>I mean, honestly, have you ever heard something so beautiful? I can't say I have, and I have heard many Smash Mouth remixes in my time, including <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd_8dl5iJ5A" target="_blank">this</a> mash up with the Thomas the Tank Engine theme tune that I loved so much I wrote about it for a VICE article on <a href="http://ift.tt/2dYo58U most effective songs you could add to your Tinder profile</a> (needless to say, I'll be changing it imminently). From the flawless alignment of two late-90s early-00s hits – the <i>Romeo & Juliet</i> of unlikely genres that somehow became immensely popular for a few weird years –<span> t</span><span>o the well timed "shhh", to </span><span>the final few seconds, which I won't spoil for you, it is a masterpiece.</span></p><p>I quickly discovered that the genius responsible goes by the YouTube name 'Jon Sudano'. <span>His channel is only three days old with just three videos on it: the one you see above, another in which he </span><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhcpoXqT86A" target="_blank">sings "All Star" over John Lennon's "Imagine"</a><span>, and a cover of the <i></i></span><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=royTfXaUb2A" target="_blank">Neon Genesis Evangelion theme straight up.</a> <span>They are all perfect, soothing, full of innocence and hope and joy. They have given me a reason to log on and not imagine myself as a pixelated character, </span><span>running through Twitter </span><span>with an aerosol can and a lighter. </span><span>Jon</span><span> Sudano is the hero we all need but don't deserve, like Spiderman if he was a vlogger.</span></p><p>Thank you, Jon Sudano, for being a ray of light in times so dark even Sauron would need a giant contact lens to find his way through them.</p><p><b>Follow Emma on <a href="http://www.twitter.com/emmaggarland" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</b></p>
from noisey http://ift.tt/2en1PEc
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