Hyper-Reality is a conceptual short film by Keiichi Matsuda. It presents a provocative and kaleidoscopic new vision of the future, where physical and virtual realities have merged, and the city is saturated in media.
It is the latest work in an ongoing research-by-design project by Keiichi Matsuda (previous works include Domestic Robocop, Augmented City 3D and Keiichi’s Masters thesis Domesti/city.
Below you can find the short film embedded along with some stills and gifs from the project. For more projects by Matsuda, visit http://KM.CX.
Hyper-Reality by Keiichi Matsuda
Our physical and virtual realities are becoming increasingly intertwined. Technologies such as VR, augmented reality, wearables, and the internet of things are pointing to a world where technology will envelop every aspect of our lives. It will be the glue between every interaction and experience, offering amazing possibilities, while also controlling the way we understand the world. Hyper-Reality attempts to explore this exciting but dangerous trajectory. It was crowdfunded, and shot on location in Medellín, Colombia. [source]
Keiichi works as an independent design consultant, and runs a multidisciplinary design studio at the intersection of technology, media and architecture. The studio works on built installations, concept design, interaction and more, exploring how emerging technology will impact our future lives.
by Keiichi Matsuda
produced in Medellín by Fractal
Executive Producers: Wu Yu Zhou, Carlson Bull
Associate Producers: Ali Al-Assam, Eiichi Kono
Juliana – Natalia Tamayo
Juliana’s voice – Catalina Villegas
Inspiration Guru – Wu Yu Zhou
Customer Support –
Camilo Suárez
Juliana Ospina Henao
blogger – Juliana Vélez
Thief – Juanita Agudelo Arbeláez
Biker – Jose Kerguelen
camera – Vivi Trujillo
additional writing – Hernán Ortiz
makeup – Juliana Bravo
production assistant – Daniel Jurado, Katie Baggs
sound + music – Skillbard
additional effects – Raymond Hugh Bray, Aleks Cicha
special thanks: Adriana Arbeláez, Cootrasana, Bully, Knowledgeview
from TwistedSifter http://ift.tt/1sXRqF3
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